Hour or Two

My Vintage Victoria Building

We’d love to see your photographs and hear your stories especially in relation to the Victoria Building. Were you a student here in the 1960s, 70s, 80s or 90s? Do you remember our building before it became the VG&M?
If you send us any content we’d like to be able to keep a copy and share it on social media from time to time but you’ll be credited in the post.


What's involved?

Send us photos and stories of the Victoria Building and surrounding campus area including the quadrangle so that we can hear all about your time at university or as a local who may have lived and worked in this area of town.

Why get involved?

We love to see new photographs that we haven’t seen before and if you have any personal stories about our building, it really helps us to build a better picture of our building’s history over the years. There are gaps in our knowledge and so any small detail no matter how big or small will help us to form a better understanding of the history of this fantastic space.

How to get involved?

  1. Sign up to this challenge - just click the blue 'accept' button below
  2. Send us an email with your photographs and stories – vgm@liverpool.ac.uk
  3. Don't forget to tell us a little bit about yourself and your photos

Ideal Skills

  • Photography
  • Reading/Storytelling
  • Social Media

Ideal Interests

  • Creative and Arts
  • Learning and Education

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