Visitors to our popular and successful portrait exhibition, The Descendants, left some lovely comments and we need them transcribing onto an Excel spreadsheet.
What's involved?
There are about 35 comment sheets and you will type out the handwritten notes into a spreadsheet adding the visitor’s postcode, so we know how far they travelled, and how they heard about the exhibition. All the info is on the comments sheet.
Why get involved?
We want to be able to share the comments with the artist, colleagues and stakeholders. You will be contributing to the work of the Curatorial team and learning how visitors think and respond to an exhibition.
How to get involved?
You can either come to the VG&M and do the work directly from the original comment sheets or we can send them to you digitally to work on at home. Just say which you prefer.
Ideal Skill
- Working with Databases
Ideal Interests
- Creative and Arts
- Curatorial/Working with Museum Collection